Monday, September 22, 2008


My friend, Tricia, asked me to be her gift girl in her wedding. I am so excited! I told my mom that we need to buy me a new RED dress, because that is Tricia's colors of her wedding. She is even having the neatest thing.... a red cape with red shoes and her pretty white dress. When it is MY wedding, I will have PINK EVERYTHING with my poufy white dress. I'm so excited that I get to be in a wedding on November 6th. You rock Tricia !
p.s. When I was a little girl, I used to call her Twicia and her mom Kawyn. She got to live in a PINK Barbie house that was so beatiful and I was jealous that I didn't get to live there.


The Walch Family said...

Love your blog sis ! And I know how excited you are about Tricia's wedding. We'll find a cute dress for you.

Ashlee said...

Hi Jenna-
I work with your mom and set up your blog. I just wanted to let you know I added Jared's blog to your 'blog list' .
Ashlee :)

Jenna's Music